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mikef asked

Mutilplus 3000/12/120 charger kick in problem

I have a multiplus 3000/12/120 unit installed on my catamaran together with a generator and LiFePo4 batteries. My installation has been running for about a year now. Over the past month a strange thing has started happening . When I start my generator the charger does not kick in. I then reset the multiplus through my cerbex and then it kicks in. This has started happening at least once a week. Today things seem to have got worse. The charger does not kick in even when I reboot the multiplus ( last night it worked perfect) without reboots or anything. I change the switch to charge only and turn on the generator. The mains blue light comes on for a few seconds and then the float light illuminates for a second and the unit shuts off. My batteries are at 13.2v and are 29%. I shut down the generator and reset and restart everything but the same happens. On the power output side without the generator the inverter is giving 220v so that is fine

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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