
torquer avatar image
torquer asked

230V input from an inverter to 230V input from a multiplus

Hello. I have a multiplus 12/3000.

Can it be connected to the 230 V grid input of the multiplus, the output of another inverter?

In other words, an inverter would give 230V to the multiplus network input.

It would be a Victron investor.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
tozz avatar image
tozz answered ·

Your question isn't very clear, but I think it should be no problem connecting the output of an inverter to the MultiPlus input. It's not that much different from having a generator at the MultiPlus's input.

But why would you want this? Wouldn't it be better to have them DC coupled?

2 |3000

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torquer avatar image torquer commented ·

Hello. Thanks for the reply. It is for a motorhome, it is to be able to charge the home battery (48 V) from a 12 V alternator.

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tozz avatar image tozz torquer commented ·

Okay, best solutions would be a DC-DC converter that steps up 12V to 48V.

In your solution you would be transforming from DC to AC and from AC back to DC. It will incur lots of energy losses. More than a DC-DC converter.

Something like this:

But yes, I believe it would be possible to connect the input of a Multiplus 48V to AC-out of a Multiplus 12V. But it's not ideal considering the losses.

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