
rolandrrr avatar image
rolandrrr asked

Requirements for outside cabinet for Multiplus II and SmartSolar

Hi all,

The Multiplus II and other Victron products are IP22, but I would like to place them outside.

I cannot find much examples of people doing that, only some pictures.

My plan now is to find some cabinet/box with waterproof door, and make 2 holes in it for fans to blow in and suck out air. These fans should be temperature controlled (and not running when cold).

I guess the next big topic is condensation. This shouldn't happen when the fans shut off when the cabinet gets below 20 degrees Celcius. And the Mutliplus will almost always be running so there is probably always enough heat to prevent massive condensation.

Anything else that I should think off?

Thank you in advance.

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2 Answers
tozz avatar image
tozz answered ·

I'd worry about things like sand, dust, cobwebs and perhaps rodents. Cobwebs are conductive.

I would add some kind of filters to the air intake.

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rolandrrr avatar image rolandrrr commented ·

Yes thanks, I already have some suitable mesh for that.

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davidp avatar image
davidp answered ·

Hi Roland, did you finally manage your installation outdoor ? I am facing the same questions.

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