
remodelboy avatar image
remodelboy asked

Is it okay to mount the Multiplus 3000 in the living area of a truck camper?

I'm upgrading to Lithium batts and have limited room in a Cirrus 920 truck camper. I have room for the batts, Lynx Dist, Mppt and Orion 12/12/30 under one dinette seat (other side stuffed with Alde system). Sink cab too far, could jam it under step (wouldn't meet 10cm clearance). Have great "divider" partitions leading up to cab over bed area. Thinking of hanging the Multiplus on the bed side of the partition with good clearances and short wire runs dropping into the dinette seat/battery area. What do you think?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

You can certainly mount the Multi in the living space. It will need ventilation, possibly including fans. The Multi produces little heat unless it is supplying a substantial load or is bulk charging the batteries.

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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

It's relatively noisy (depending on the load), so right above the bed might be an issue.

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tozz avatar image
tozz answered ·

As seb71 has said already, the unit is pretty noisy. It's not just a humming fan noise, but it makes a rattling noise when the fans are on. I have a Multiplus 5k in my garage, and I have to close the door to prevent hearing it in my living room.

Then again, it's only making this much noise when it's charging or inverting at relatively high wattage. During the night my Multiplus is inverting at +/- 500W, and it's completely silent. But above +/- 1kW it starts making noise.

I'm charging my batteries from solar, and my Multiplus can charge at a max. of about 2,5 kW (15A input limit set). This causes the fans to start, and charging the batteries takes a few hours. So the noise is .. something to keep in mind.

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