
hpzuidema avatar image
hpzuidema asked

Quattro from bulk not to absorbition/float. But to only inverter on

I have a Quattro that loads 2 lipo batteries on a greenline 40. It goes from bulk to only inverter on when on shore power.After bulk stops only the inverter on led burns. In the manual that is not a described state for the system. Is this a problem?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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edvanz avatar image edvanz commented ·

If I recall well Greenline uses REC BMS maybe it is installed to cut the shorepower when 100% SOC is reached?

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1 Answer
hpzuidema avatar image
hpzuidema answered ·

How can i figure out that the shorepower is cut off when 100% soc is reached?

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