
leonman247 avatar image
leonman247 asked

MPPT 75/15 Load doesn't switch back on, batteries full

Hello everyone,

I'm new here. I passed trough different (almost) similar subjects, didn't find my answer, sorry if i missed it somwhere but it wasn't in the topics.
So here's my situation :

To start with my installation :
2 VARTA LFD90 (90Ah) PROFFESIONAL DUAL PURPOSE lead acid batteries connected in parallel, charged by 200W 24V solar panel,
trough Victron bluesolar MPPT 75/15 (updated to the latest version and configured to Lead acid batteries common settings of charge,(absorbtion 14.4V Float 13.4V equalization 15V) and Conv. algorithm 1 (OFF<11.1, ON>13.1). streetlight mode OFF. (weather compensation in on -24mV/c if its important).

All loads (5 Led lamps and 2 water pumps) are going trough the charge controller.

I have recently added the Phoenix inverter (i guess it has no influence on the solar charger but i'm adding it here so that all the electric system is listed) Installed everything by the book (+and- directly to the battery terminals, and ground to the chassis of the camper).
After doing this, the inverter runs great, but the victron charge controller is blocking the load, while showing that batteries are fully charged at 13.6 (also tested both batteries with mutlimeter, shows the same reading).

Why does it block the load on full batteries regardless to whether the inverter is on or off (and it's most of the time OFF)

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

If youre batteries are charged at 13.6 volts ... and the mppt should load till 13.1 volts ... Set the upper Voltage of the mppt higer ... Its a lead Acid Batterie ... Try about 14.2 volts for the Absorption Voltage ...

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leonman247 avatar image leonman247 commented ·

absorbtion is 14.4 alredy.
I have updated the question

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