
yasmine00 avatar image
yasmine00 asked

Broken Multiplus Float LED (gutted)

20210404-145439.jpgHi guys,

Today my Multiplus's Float LED got broken. Misfortune :(.

Does anyone know if this will affect usage or it is purely indicative?

I breifly turned the multiplus on and all LEDs turned on expect for the broken one.

I am not bothered to see the LED as the multiplus will be stored away and I will have it connected a venus device via MK3.

Thanks for your help.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
netrange avatar image
netrange answered ·

the LED is just "Userinfo at the front" ...

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yasmine00 avatar image yasmine00 commented ·

wow such a releif thanks :)

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