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Jemal Solo asked

Off Grid Quarto ac coupled Fronius - quatro keeps tripping out when Fronius comes online

Have a offgrid system, 15k Quatro, 250/85 MPPT (5kw PV), 2 x 8,2 fronius units (15kW PV) and 2 x Redflow batteries with CCGX

2 things are occurring

1. when fronius units want to come online and supply load when MPPT has been supplying- the quatro shuts down. I can get the system to run with both Fronius and MPPT supplying load but will drop out at any given time. If MPPT supplying load and charge and fronius tries to supply load as well -quatro shuts off- biit of a static hum happens at same time.

2. when Batteries are very low eg 3%- the quatro goes into fault mode (low Battery) and will not supply AC loads with required power, on reset will start supplying loads then go into low battery fault again after about 30 sec. Have temporarily got around this onsite by disabling DVCC till battery charges up -but concerned will happen again when DVCC set and state happens again when I leave site.

Fonius' set to MG50 for Australia, one in master, 1 in slave mode,

Units have firmware updates installed.

Why would quatro be shutting down and what can be done to remedy?



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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