
Chuck Knight avatar image
Chuck Knight asked

Multiples 3000 120/50 issue - not recognizing a/c input

Unit does not respond to a/c input via shore power or generator. Switches from inverter mode to charge mode but The Mains light does not come on and then begin to charge. A/c circuits have no current. A/c loads not connected to the Multiplus work fine. Happened right after I may have overload the a/c draw - temp and low battery lights were flashing. Now the absorption and float lights just blink, now mains light. What could be the problem?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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1 Answer
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Is it possible there is a breaker/fuse between shore/generator and the Multi's AC input that has tripped/blown?

2 |3000

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