
gregbain avatar image
gregbain asked

Connecting non Victron Lithium batteries to Multiplus

I have a 24V3000VA 120V Multi Plus. I will be connecting it to two 12V206ah SOK batteries for a 24v system. I am looking at configuring my multiplus but have a specific question regarding using an assistant. Victron states that during configuration when using non Victron lithium batteries one should use the assistant “Two signal BMS Support” This will enable the SOK BMS to have control over charging and discharging parameter. I noticed from a Battle Born video and from posts on an SOK forum that some users are not selecting the above assistant. Instead they are simply selecting the charger tab to lithium and adjusting settings there as per the battery manufacturer specs. The latter would have the Multi settings as the master over the battery BMS. Is there any issue with latter method?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


We use the method with the multi having control over charge on non supported batteries 2x12v in parallel and have had no issues for more than a year. To be clear there is no communication at all between the batteries and the multi or the GX. Just using the multi SOC and voltage readings.

As long as you do not set your voltage too high or your cut off too low causing your bms to shut itself off there should be no unexpected issues. We set according to battery manufacturer recommended voltages.

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gregbain avatar image gregbain commented ·

Thanks Alexandra. I see now in the VIctron Connect Manual they address lithium batteries with built in BMS and state no assistants required.

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