
tylera avatar image
tylera asked

Inverter inop after extended power-off

I returned to my boat after being laid up for the winter, and found that the Quattro inverter was no longer working.

Battery: 48V

AC-In-1: Unused

AC-In-2: Shore power

Things that work:

- Pass-through AC when Shore Power is on

- Battery charging

Things that don't work:

- Inverter (AC when on battery)

The Quattro was powered off for a long period of time over the winter (no power on the 48V battery, no AC-In from shore power). When I powered it back on, inverting seemed to no longer work.

I do have some control wires coming in on Aux-1 to control charging (not inverting). I removed all the Assistants from VE.Configure3, but all the parameters look correct.

At this point, I suspect hardware failure (my luck on this boat), but I wanted to make sure I haven't missed something obvious. What should I look for? What should I try?

I'm connected via VE.Bus to a CCGX then on to a Digital MultiControl.

It is interesting that the CCGX reports things on AC-In L1 (there is nothing physically connected there, but there are things on AC-In L2, this could just be a CCGX bug)

I am using Valence batteries, so I do not have a Victron BMS. However, the 48V is present so I'd just expect inverting to work. When I do have the Assistant in place*, the CCGX has a "VE.Bus BMS" subpage under the quattro showing "Allow to discharge" as "yes" (which would indicate that inverting should be allowed.

* Configured as two-signal BMS support / BMS has one contact with switches only on a high-cell condition / aux-1; open / force to float; SOC to 100.

[I suspect, but I haven't verified this, that the Quattro only charged the Lithium battery at 54V (the float voltage) instead of trying to push the higher voltage. Unfortunately, I was busy investigating other things, but the Quattro stopped charging when the Valence BMS indicated 67% SOC. I'll go back to the boat tomorrow for more investigation.]

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
2 |3000

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·


For a quattro to 'recover' from a low battery you need to use ac1 in for it to self recover. The system does not 'wake up' using ac2

What did your investigation on the boat turn up?

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tylera avatar image tylera Alexandra ♦ commented ·

While the charge was initially low, I slowly charged with solar over a week before getting shore power on anyway. That is good to know about AC-2 vs AC-1.

Sadly, Oceanvolt remoted into the boat (I'm displeased with this) without telling me exactly what happened/changed, so I have nothing to report. It just works* now.

* Almost. But beyond the scope of this question.

I guess I'll close this with no answer.

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