
pmano avatar image
pmano asked

What DC-DC Filtering capacitor for MPPT, to eliminate RFI

So I have massive RFI coming off two MPPT 250/100s. Threw 1000$ of Ferrite mix 31 and 75 at them, they are still blasting.

seems I need filtering capacitors, I have found these :

They have a grounded and un-grounded versions.

based on the guidance that the +/- PV output NOT be grounded, would I want to buy the non-grounded filtering capacitors ?

also reading I saw that I might want/ need to put one filter on the MPPT Battery output side as well. So total of 2 filters per MPPT CC.... $$$$

MPPT ControllersMPPT SmartSolar
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pmano avatar image pmano commented ·


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2 Answers
pmano avatar image
pmano answered ·

Hello? Any Victron support folks? What filtering capacitors should be paired with your MPPT Charger controllers? They emit massive RFI on the HF, HAM bands.

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drdiesel avatar image
drdiesel answered ·

Amateur Radio Operator here as well, though haven't been active much and haven't noticed any interference as of yet, I also have two MPPT 250/100s.

Can you share more info? Like is the interference just in the PWM frequency of the charge controller or? I'll try and replicate what you are seeing.

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pmano avatar image pmano commented ·

I am registering massive noise from 160M to 10M. It’s across the whole HF range, soon as the sun sets or I turn off the Solar combiner breakers noise goes away. I have been using a FT2DR on AM tuned to 28.410 which is one of the countless peaks of the ‘Birdies’

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pmano avatar image pmano commented ·

Also, do you have your MPPTs grounded ?

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