
xpeditions avatar image
xpeditions asked

Storage mode and Battleborn Batteries... Why Storage Mode???

Multiplus 12/3000/120-50

Four Battleborn Lithium cells

Smart Solar

For a year, everything worked great... then, it didn't.

I've had an issue for months now and I finally have some idea what is happening. The Multiplus is switching to Storage Mode. This does NOT keep my Battelborn Lithium cells charged beyond 79~80%. They never receive a full charge... They sit at 13.03v it should be at 13.4v (as I was told)

To charge the batteries to 100% I switch off the inverter. It goes back to Bulk Charge Mode, then Absorption.

36 hours later, back to Storage Mode!

This does not seem right at all to me. Why would the Multiplus switch to Storage Mode??? These are Lithium cells!

Am I correct about this???

If so - How do I switch off Storage Mode???

I've been chasing this issue for MONTHS! Surely someone knows something about this and has an answer!


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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4 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @Xpeditions, welcome to the Community!

Please see the VictronConnect VE.Bus Configuration Guide, specifically Section 10.4.11, as storage mode is easily switched off when connected to the MultiPlus via MK3 and a laptop/desktop running VictronConnect.

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svmoonstone avatar image svmoonstone commented ·

Why cant this be so easy as to configure from CerboGX or even 'bump' the quattro out of Storage, remotely on the CerboGX ???

My Quattro 5000 gets itself stuck in Storage mode and the great interface for the remote device is not able to configure it.

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xpeditions avatar image
xpeditions answered ·

Hmmmm... I have the MK3 connected to the computer. I tried to access the settings and cannot. It wants a password. I have no idea what it is. Do you?

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alex-mokhnov avatar image alex-mokhnov commented ·

Hi! Have you solved this problem?

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xpeditions avatar image
xpeditions answered ·

BTW... Storage mode isn't for lithium cells, is it?

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

No, "Storage Mode" it's not for LiFePO4 cells.

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vannamedmoose avatar image vannamedmoose seb71 commented ·

@Seb71 do you have link to documentation where that is stated? or to somewhere where i can read more about why storage-mode is not appropriate for LiFePO4 batteries?

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seb71 avatar image seb71 vannamedmoose commented ·

"Storage Mode" serves no purpose for LiFePO4. It might even have a negative effect on a LiFePO4 battery.

"Storage Mode" is for lead-acid batteries, which need to be "topped up" often. Also, only relevant if you always keep the battery charged (battery is used only when the grid fails) - so if you use the battery like a whole house UPS for grid failures. If you discharge the battery every night (and even during the day), you won't reach the Storage Mode anyway.


Take a look at what Storage Mode does and at LiFePO4 charging algorithms.

For charging LiFePO4 you have a constant current stage (aka "Bulk"), then a constant voltage charging stage (aka "Absorption"), after which the battery is fully charged. And then the charger switches to the "Float" stage/mode, which keeps the battery at its natural "resting" voltage (around 3,35V cell voltage). At this resting/float voltage, a fully charged LiFePO4 won't take any current.

Note that "Bulk" and "Absorption" names (when used for LiFePO4) are kept from the lead-acid charging nomenclature.

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hereandthere avatar image hereandthere seb71 commented ·
Hi, about the storage mode ?

Is this advised when having lead-carbon batteries in ESS mode ?

I guess not ?



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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell hereandthere commented ·
Lead carbon batteries are a type of lead acid battery so storage mode is as appropriate for them as any other lead acid battery when kept full for long periods.

However with ESS there is another issue as the battery cycles frequently so storage mode is not required as batteries do not sit full for long periods so it should be disabled.

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svmoonstone avatar image
svmoonstone answered ·

No ... trying to use veconfigure, remotely to fix this from Florida. :fingerscrossed:

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