
sprintercamper avatar image
sprintercamper asked

Amp reading 10x high

HI Everyone, I am having a stramp super high AMP reading on my BMV-702 with blue tooth adapter. My system uses two 75AH AGM yellow top optima's wired in parallel behind a fuse and batt isolator/charger. I have attached a drawing of my system below. Power wire from main battery to isolator/fuse/batt 1 is 4AWG. All other wire in system is 2/0(battery to battery, battery to shunt, battery to invertor, and shunt to invertor).20210318-134707.jpg

I have installed the setup in my van and am having weird AMP reading issue. I have a small heater that I wanted to use, that when connected to house power uses 305w/3.5 amps in low and 715w/5.2 amps on high. I have verified this with two different type of normal household watt meters. For some reason when I plug it into the invertor, the BMV shows an amp draw of 25.8 amps on the low setting and 56 amps on high setting, and almost immediately goes into low voltage alarm and shuts off the system.

Am I not understanding the difference between AC and DC amperage? Or is there a setting somewhere in the software I need to update or change? Here is how my settings are set:


BMV Battery Monitor
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2 Answers
sprintercamper avatar image
sprintercamper answered ·

Forgot to add the actual settings tab:


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seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·
Am I not understanding the difference between AC and DC amperage?

Yes. You can directly compare powers (W), not currents (A).

Also the wiring is wrong.

On the "battery" side of the shunt there should be only the battery.

You have no fuse on the positive wire to the inverter.

Parallel connection of the batteries is the worst possible way.

Lead acid 150Ah/12V is not large enough to draw over 700W from it.

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