
bernardgarrett avatar image
bernardgarrett asked

Max Solar Panel wattage for a MPPT Controller

Hello Everyone

Newbie to Victron and Solar stuff. (So please be kind)

Using the MPPT Calculator it seems that the Maximum Power input from the 360Watt panels( 9X360)=3240w. Does that mean I have to purchase a Solar Charge Controller (Smart Solar 250/100) for every 3240w of panels.?

If I am missing something in my logic please educate me.

Thank you

MPPT Controllers
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3 Answers
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

Start from the solar chargers datasheets.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·
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bernardgarrett avatar image bernardgarrett commented ·

I have done so. My research shows that I can only have 9 panels and they would (theoretically) generate 3240 watts.

Again, A, I missing something?

Thank you

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seb71 avatar image seb71 bernardgarrett commented ·

The maximum PV array power depends on the battery voltage. You did not indicate this.

Voc is also important, etc.

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bernardgarrett avatar image
bernardgarrett answered ·

So having done the sums on Voltage / Current, etc. it seems that 9 360W Panels is my maximum.

Let me rephrase my question. Is anybody able to generate more than the theoretical 3240W from one Solar Charge Controller?

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seb71 avatar image seb71 commented ·

Yes. 5800W.

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dazey77 avatar image
dazey77 answered ·

the maximium power out of a victron charge controller is set by the output current x charging voltage.

Take a 75/15, it has a max output current of 15A. Its maximum output power will depend on battery voltages and the point in the charge cycle. Lithium have a higher voltage so the controller can put out a slightly higher power. Obviously the max power will vary across the charge cycle as the bat voltage goes up and down.

250/100 @ 12v (lets say 13v in a bulk charge)= 1300w, 1400w towards end of its charge. Double power with 24v, quad with 48v

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