
ewalderasmus avatar image
ewalderasmus asked

Spurious Quattro Overload with firmware 478

Good morning all.

I know there are many threads mentioning the latest firmware version 478 and its fixes for the spurious overloads. I never experienced any overloads on v475, but upgraded because I wanted to stay uptodate. Anyway, I experienced an overload this morning when the mains failed.

System details:

Inverter: Quattro 8kVA.

Firmware Version: v478.

Load at Overload: roughly 1800W.

Has anyone else experienced this? We have had multiple grid failures in the last 10 days and this is the first time it has happened.

Regards Ewald

@Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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Ingo avatar image Ingo commented ·

@EwaldErasmus I've had it once or twice only with the last one on 13 Mar 2021 for no apparent reason. My unit went into Inverting mode and I got an overload warning. No idea why it went into Inverting in the first place but the load was like yours, very low. Also running 481 at the time of the warning. It's no big deal for me as it happens maybe once every few months, if not longer.


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ewalderasmus avatar image ewalderasmus commented ·

Hi @Ingo

I have the same situation sometimes with the warnings, but this was different, it was an alarm, and the unit shut off. And the only reset was to go to the device itself and turn it off and turn it back on.

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Ingo avatar image Ingo ewalderasmus commented ·

@EwaldErasmus Ah, Ok. My bad. I never had the shutdown situation.

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1 Answer
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Sorry to hear about the incident,

Indeed something that has close attention recently - there is a more recent firmware version 481 than what you're running - it directly addressed the issue you are describing.

Since updating my system to 481, I have not experienced the issue again personally.

Note - it is not necessary, or even recommended to stay up-to-date with VE.Bus firmware. If you have a reliable and working system, and do not require the additional features of a newer version, then updating firmware has a downside risk potential. However, now in your situation I would recommend the latest 481.

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ewalderasmus avatar image ewalderasmus commented ·

Hi @Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager)

Thank you for the quick reply. I will make a point of updating the unit.

This is very challenging for me, as on the one hand, you say "don't update if you don't need to" but then if there is an issue its "you need to be running the latest firmware before we can help".

Considering the circumstances and nature of the overloads (spurious) its not something I can simulate and retest to see if it has been solved, so when I turn to the community for help I want it to be for a good reason, and that I have done everything I can.

From an installer's point of view, I am stuck between a rock and a hard place, as if the unit overloads I cannot definitely say it was the client, as it could be a software issue... and when the client asks what it was and why it's happening, I have to say it was a software glitch and a firmware update will likely solve it, but it doesn't always...

In this situation, the overload happened at a none critical time, but the next time I don't know.

So isn't staying up to date with firmware the only real solution?

Regards Ewald

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seb71 avatar image seb71 ewalderasmus commented ·
This is very challenging for me, as on the one hand, you say "don't update if you don't need to" but then if there is an issue its "you need to be running the latest firmware before we can help".

I don't see any contradiction.

If there is no issue means you don't need to update the firmware.

You said you never experienced overloads with FW 475 but updated to FW 478 to stay up to date (if the reason was to stay up to date, I don't understand why you did not update to FW 481 from the begining; 481 was released more than a month ago; 478 is from last year).

You only have an issue after you updated the firmware, so now the other path applies to you and only now when you do have an issue you are told to update to the latest firmware.

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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman ewalderasmus commented ·

481 implements a fix to the behaviour you are experiencing, therefore you must upgrade.

If everything is working fine, don't upgrade.

If there are problems, try upgrade.


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