
jadepanama avatar image
jadepanama asked

Quattro 10kw -AC1 wont Assist, AC2 works fine

I have a Quattro 10k setup for 60hz/240 on my boat. AC1 - wired to Gen set at 42a max. AC2 - Shore Power @ 50a default, but change to 30a for some locations i plug into.

The Quattro properly will leverage the full amperage available from AC2 for either pass through, charger, and will also go into assist mode when my draw is larger than I indicate when on AC2 (shore) mode. So, all is good with AC2.

However, when i run my Gen, with 42a set for the load limit (10kw gen), i get strange results.

if the draw on the Quattro is roughly 4000-4500 watts (varies a little) or LESS, the Quattro will supply the voltage through the inverter, AND supply the remaining 4000-5000 watts to charging as needed. (as it should)

However, if i put a larger load on the house.. say 5000 watts, the Quattro goes into Invert Mode and stops all charging. this is very consistent and repeatable.

the Quattro knows it can support up to 10000 watts as if the house draw is under roughly 4k-4.5k it will pass through and charge drawing up into the 9000 watt range properly.

Why the heck is it doing this? I have read everything i can find and have tried using the Dynamic Current Limiter, and Power Assist with 2.0 Boost Factor

What would make AC1 and AC2 behave differently? this is beginning to be a huge issue as the only way around it is to shut a lot of stuff off to get the draw down, which then will eventually cause the charger to kick back in...

Jade Panama'

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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harold avatar image harold commented ·

Did you try, what happens if you switch AC1 and AC2?

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jadepanama avatar image jadepanama harold commented ·

I havent tried that as it would not be a quick/easy swap. cables are pretty large and cut to size and secured to the point it would be a pita.

Been reading through this FAQ. wondering if there is something odd about how my gen's power looks to the quattro thats causing issues.

not sure why it would be fine with low load / high charge vs higher load/lower charge ... so not sure that theory holds much weight... but right now i am grasping for straws. if i run out of everything else, i will do the rewire to test but i really need to keep gen on AC1 due to how the Quattro prioritizes loads.

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harold avatar image harold jadepanama commented ·

That's why I have the generator on AC2, so ignore starting can be done when AC1 exists ;-)

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3 Answers
jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·


I think your asking too much of your 10 kw genset and therefore the quattro is disconnecting from your generator. - hence you never get to the power assist.

Try dropping the current down to 80% of the rating say 33 amps and see if the behavior changes.

Most generators cant output anywhere near the rating stamped on the box for various reasons.

You could also try the steps in the 'multiplus generator FAQ'

For a small gen like you have. you will probably need to have these settings

AC1 Input Voltage 180 - 250

AC1 Input Current 33 amps

Accept Wide Frequency Input checked.

Do not use dynamic current limited unless you have an inverter type generator

Leave the boost factor at 2.0

Let us know how you get on.


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jadepanama avatar image jadepanama commented ·

Thanks Jon. This is exactly what I discovered when i found that doc i mention at the beginning. I am going to drop the gen current limit down as my first step. I guess I was assuming that since the Quattro was able to use 9000+watts when directing most to charging and <4000 to pass through, that it would also see / use that same power to do more pass through and less charging. trying to understand what was so magic about the loads in the 4000-4500 watt range that caused to to not see the gen voltage as good enough and go to pure invert mode was puzzling. will do some digging on voltage range and frequencies as well to see if that shows anything new. but i have my ranges so wide this one would surprise me.

I do have the wide frequency range on, and 180-265v set at the moment. also have ups function set which i know the other doc says you may have to turn this off. I really would like this feature to keep electronics from resetting when loads transfer. if i still have problems i will turn this off and give it another try. last step to try is Weak AC. sounds like this is a last resort, but i will try this as well if i have to

thx again


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jwfrary avatar image
jwfrary answered ·

I wouldn’t be too worried about the UPS function even with it off the effect is so small it’s only noticeable on an oscilloscope!!

We use the equipment on a survey boat UPS mode turned off and it’s no problem even with the sensitive gear we are running.

If you have windows and load up your mk3 with ve.configure, then trigger an event, you can see what parameter triggered it to happen. In the live monitoring pane.

I expect a bit of trial and error with the input current setting will find the right one.

For example we have a 7kva generator but it will only supply about 5.2kva before the voltage dips excessively as the load comes on, therefore the multi disconnects.

this effect is especially great with smaller generators below 15 kva or so as they have less mass to the flywheel and therefore less inertia.

So bring your current right down I’m confident it will sort the issue and you can bring it back up slowly until you find the right spot. I find about 80% of claimed output is usually about right

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jadepanama avatar image
jadepanama answered ·

Well, as i had hoped, you all are correct. i just dropped it down to 33a, and loaded the hell out of it including some bulk charging and it worked perfectly. i feel pretty stupid at the moment as i usually pride myself in being a good troubleshooter. cant believe i missed this.

thanks so much!!

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jwfrary avatar image jwfrary commented ·

No problem glad I could help and glad you got it sorted.

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