
chrisawp avatar image
chrisawp asked

Critical Loads more than battery discharge

Hi Victron Community members,

We currently have load shedding (grid-outage) in our area, how is it possible that the critical loads are more than the battery discharge?

Confirmed the battery voltage and current values, that is actually what is being discharged from the battery.


When running on-grid, values are as expected:


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1615973588946.png (31.4 KiB)
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Warwick Bruce Chapman avatar image Warwick Bruce Chapman commented ·

@ChrisAWP any progress on this?

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1 Answer
Ulrich avatar image
Ulrich answered ·


I can only explain it this way: The battery has 52.1V and is discharged at 19.9A. That makes 1036.79VA. VA is not the same as W.

One is measured on the battery via the shunt, the other is the power of the inverter.

With on-grid, both values are measured by the inverter.

Maybe that makes the difference?


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