
carlos hernandez avatar image
carlos hernandez asked

How to setup Battery Monitor to see multiple batteries?

My boat has the following set up:

1-12 volt battery for electronics,

1- 12 volt battery for the house,

2- starting batteries and

1- bow thruster battery.

House and electronic batteries are on a on/off/combined switch.

I would like to add battery monitors to the House, electronic and bow thruster batteries.

I know the thruster battery will needs its own monitor.

The question is can I connect both negatives on the House and electronic batteries to the Shunt inlet side and monitor both batteries. Or will I need another monitor.?

BMV Battery Monitor
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1 Answer
billknny avatar image
billknny answered ·

The simple answer is you cannot monitor two batteries with one instrument.

With the connection you describe, you might be able to measure total current flow of the pair of batteries, but there is no way to separate how much is from which battery. Hence you would get no useful information about the state of charge of either battery.

This could be accomplished with a simple ammeter easier and cheaper.

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