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banjix asked

RPI3 - PiCam on Venus OS


im trying to customize my RPI3/Venus to fullfill all my needs.

One point is watch inside my vehicle/place of Venus-Device using the Venus-Device.
All of my USB-Slots are used (Touchscreen, GPS, BMV712 and MPPT 20/100) so i tried to use a PiCam v2.

I cannot make it work cause neceassary applications are missing: raspistill, raspivid, raspiyuv and raspividyuv. Is there a way to install them?

I installed picamera with pip install and tried a basic script. While doing this i had to add some files to /usr/lib from

Im not experienced in kernel stuff. Is there a chance to make a cam work. I like to have a seperate (custom) page in my gui where i can watch the inside of my vehicle.

Greetings from Hamburg


Raspberry Pi
2 |3000

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