
guidoguy avatar image
guidoguy asked

SmartSolar 75/15 - load output will not turn on but load output voltage is 9.6 volts


I recently upgraded the firmware in my SmartSolar 75/15 to the latest version.

Since then the Load Output will not switch on and remains stuck in the off state whatever setting I select in the Load Output settings (this is with no load attached to the controller)

I have removed the jumper as per instructions and the controller worked perfectly in this configuration previously.

When I measure the no load voltage of the supposedly "off" Load Output it shows circa 9.6 volts.

Is my SmartSolar controller broken?

Thanks for any help given here.


MPPT Controllers
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4 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


What is your battery voltage when the load output is 9.6V? if that is your battery voltage then it is very discharged.

Try doing a power cycle.

1.) disconnect pv,

2.) disconnect battery.

wait a few minutes

1)then reconnect the battery

2) and reconnect the pv.

make sure your battery gets a good a charge and try again.

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guidoguy avatar image
guidoguy answered ·

Thanks Alexandra. I forgot to mention that the charge side of the controller is working fine so I have a fully charged battery at 13.9 volts and it is in 'float' state.

I have disconnected everything from the controller, left it overnight and reconnected everything again and it has then behaved in the same way as I described above.

I suspect a I have a controller with a faulty Load Output but I am not sure how to confirm this (other than I can't get the controller to switch the load to 'on')

thanks again

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bilmcla avatar image bilmcla commented ·
I’m having the same problem. Did you resolve this at all?

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guidoguy avatar image guidoguy bilmcla commented ·
No, sorry. I never received a reply and still have the same fault now. Apologies for the delay in replying and good luck with finding a solution - do let me know if you do ! Thanks
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manumeadow avatar image
manumeadow answered ·

Similar problem over here, but I bought the (used) device just recently, so I never had the load ouput working as expected. But mine stays permanently active with battery voltage. So it seems to be stuck in enabled state. Changing the setting in the app is being accepted (green symbol) but device does not react on that. Firmware is the latest. Don't have the version number present. Input/charging side seem to be working fine. Using load output in "battery life" mode and its power monitoring (which is not working ether) would be a nice feature.

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trenton avatar image trenton commented ·

Mine is doing exactly this did a firmware update and everything worked until a couple of days ago now it is just stuck on regardless of what the setting is at, load never went over 7 amps at any time

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

The units should be returned to dealers for repair/warranty fixes(if still under warranty).

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