
philip53 avatar image
philip53 asked

Multiplus Aux trickle charge function

Does the Multiplus trickle charge function operate when there is no AC connection to shore/generator power? Hopefully it will still top off the vehicle battery while off grid.

Thanks for any info/experience you have had.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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7 Answers
1point3liter avatar image
1point3liter answered ·

i verified that the aux trickle charge feature does function with the inverter is both on and off.

I wired in an on/off switch. My battery monitor says it's pulling 10watts when the switch is on.

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sprinter2072 avatar image sprinter2072 commented ·

Correct. Trickle charge works whether the Multiplus is set to the inverter, off, or only charger. Make sure you have a common ground between house and starter batteries. The common ground s required for the trickle charge to function.

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ironman avatar image
ironman answered ·

Everything I’ve read suggests that it only works when AC is connected. However in my experience the starter battery voltage has increased even when the AC is not connected and the leisure batteries have been charging with solar.

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jdubbayew avatar image jdubbayew commented ·

I second what ironman said, my installation does the same thing. I added an inline switch to turn it on and off if needed.

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philip53 avatar image philip53 commented ·

Thanks ironman, I guess that makes sense - whenever the multiplus is in charging mode (either from AC, or Solar), then the aux charger also functions. Anyone else with ideas?

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1point3liter avatar image
1point3liter answered ·

Im planning to verify how it operates in a few days and will report back.

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philip53 avatar image philip53 commented ·

Thanks 1point...., I appreciate you, and others taking the time to help out!


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spidgrou avatar image
spidgrou answered ·

Just found the same issue.
I'm strugling to understand where was the problem, then I found out where the power was coming from: the Multiplus.
It should be information to be included in the manual, in order to inform users, in my opinion.

Now that I know where this current is coming from I am quieter and I also believe that it is a good function to use a small part of the energy to keep the engine battery charged.

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britinusa avatar image
britinusa answered ·

Just to confirm. Are you guys saying that IF there is no AC1 input AND the Trickle Charger is connected to the Start Battery AND the Multiplus is in any state ( On | Off | Charger only ) Then - The Trickle charge pulls power from the House Battery to trickle charge the Start Battery?????

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david-ross avatar image
david-ross answered ·

Following up on this.

Is the trickle charge active when the Multiplus is in any state (Off, On, Charge Only, and Invert Only) or is the trickle charge active it active only when the Charger feature is enabled (Charge Only or On)

You have a bit more control over things in NodeRed

Value types

1 - Charger Only
2 - Inverter Only
3 - On
4 - Off

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mike-donahue avatar image mike-donahue commented ·
Could you run the trickle charge wire to the built in relay on the Multi and control the relay/charge via NodeRed? Connect the trickle to the Common and the rest of the route on NO. Then setup a rule for when the battery's are at a certain SOC or when the Solar chargers are floating.
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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas mike-donahue commented ·
You could control it through a relay on the gx device using node red, but there is no control of the relay in the multi outside of the virtual switch or assistants.
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vick-da-aerbus avatar image vick-da-aerbus mike-donahue commented ·
I'm trying to understand. Run the trickle charge to the multiplus relay and then to the starter battery? Or run a wire from the multiplus relay. When the MP relay is closed from whatever parameters, it sends its signal to a relay/switch that closes the circuit from aux charge to starter battery?

Thanks. The discussion has been a great help.

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas vick-da-aerbus commented ·
Run the wire from the mp aux battery output terminal to the gx relay, then from the gx relay to the aux battery. Create a flow in node red to control the relay based on your desired parameters.
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mike-donahue avatar image
mike-donahue answered ·

Here is my Red Node flow that will turn on the relay connected to the trickle charge port. It basically closes the relay when the engine is OFF and either the Solar or the Multiplus is in a Float state. The other nodes are for the dashboard. The link out nodes go to an experimental flow.

If anyone wants the flow in code let me know. It works perfectly.


1699983390970.png (61.2 KiB)
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mastrosoft avatar image mastrosoft commented ·
would love to get the code, as i want to try setting up the same thing.
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