
Ingo avatar image
Ingo asked

Venus GX 5V Connector?

Can anyone tell me who the manufacturer is for this 5V plug on the Venus GX? A part number would also be a great help.

Mine is missing (don't ask me how) and I now need it for a project.



Venus GX - VGX
1614496566716.png (161.7 KiB)
1614496579961.png (174.5 KiB)
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1 Answer
Ole Saether avatar image
Ole Saether answered ·
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Ingo avatar image Ingo commented ·

Thanks @osaether, so it does look like a Phoenix connector after all - lots of manuafacturers make these seems like. I didn't notice the small little slide index protrusions on the underside of the original image. Your's shows it from the other side.

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