
stepir avatar image
stepir asked

Multiplus going into charger/inverter loop


trying to help a customer who has is multiplus (when connected to AC) stuck into a charger/inverter loop (check the attached video)
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Can anybody suggest where I should start from to diagnose the issue? Wondering might be the AC tension/frequency causing the disconnect?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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3 Answers
sandrofelisio avatar image
sandrofelisio answered ·

Thanks a lot for the initial help,
I'm the owner of this, and I can confirm that the AC source is stable in voltage (226V) and in frequency (50Hz).
This happens when batteries are full at 99%.

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boekel avatar image
boekel answered ·

I'd first check with a computer + VE.bus-usb cable what is going on. (read AC-in values, etc)

Then seeing if there are settings / assistants that might cause this.

if not helping: update firmware + test again.

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stepir avatar image
stepir answered ·

Thanks @Boekel

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