
malua1 avatar image
malua1 asked

12V Dual Battery with smart solar MPPT 100/20

I have a Hilux 4WD with an ARB dual battery kit (isolator). I have just installed a 160W Kings solar panel on the roof and intend to install the MPPT 100/20 smart solar controller which I have just ordered. The controller will be wired direct to the 2nd deep cycle battery which will run continuously (with the engine running and parked) . I do not have a DCDC charger. Is this a satisfactory approach? Thanks in advance

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
Ray avatar image
Ray answered ·

Yes this should work well. You may find the alternator will cause the the solar input to stop when the engine is running because of it's higher voltage.


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malua1 avatar image malua1 commented ·

Thanks Ray!

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malua1 avatar image
malua1 answered ·

Thanks Ray!

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