
Steve Byrne avatar image
Steve Byrne asked

Calculating PV yields over time in Grafana

I'm trying to display a total for PV yield over a given period.

DBus values are available for /system/DC/PV/Power which I understand is the figure for all PV sources on the system, but I cannot work out how best to work out a yield/hr for this.
Suggestions welcome. Yield totals are the one thing that I am missing from Grafana that make VRM so useful.

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1 Answer
arghhh40k avatar image
arghhh40k answered ·

I know this is an old thread but this may get you started.

Set you query option to Relative time now/d (for today so far or now/M for month so far ect. Search for Grafana Time Range Controls for details.

if you want kWh you need to divide by 1000 or you will get watt hours.

Group by 1h time.

Set the panel calculation to Total and change the field unit to kWh

victron-grafana.png (139.6 KiB)
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