
k3igun avatar image
k3igun asked

Multiplus power assist works in my country(220v/60hz)?


I live in S.Korea (220V / 60hz power)

I am very curious to install Multiplus on my RV.

I was read post. and i know change invert output Frequency to 60Hz and 230v output voltage

But I am not sure if the power assist works normally even at 220v/60hz input.

so I want to know if power assist is working with 220v/60hz input gird power

very thank you.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
alan avatar image
alan answered ·

Yes it will work

2 |3000

Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

k3igun avatar image k3igun commented ·

Thank you very much.

If voltage lower than 200v.

multiplus can assist lower voltage and current?

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alan avatar image alan k3igun commented ·

he multi will assist any voltage it has allowed to connect to on its input. This is defined in the grid tab of VEconfig.
The output of the multi will always be synchronised with the input voltage when the input relay is closed.

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k3igun avatar image k3igun alan commented ·

Very Thank you!!

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