
wdwillr avatar image
wdwillr asked

Batteries not charging

Added new VMAX tanks to existing 2 panel system in the fall. Added 2 more 210 panels recently and a larger MPPT 150/85 with a 3000W multiplus. First morning after install was getting high voltage warnings. System shut off. Figured out battery settings to fix that. Now this morning batteries are at 94% hooked up to 50amp shore power. Inverter is in the on mode. Batteries show 13.84 V with 0.0 A going in. We are getting 33W of solar into system in a float state. Why are the batteries not 100%?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Well... Just a reminder, a hello, please, and thanks are usually a proof of respect and education. No specs about the type of batteries, voltage, etc... Difficult to help.


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wdwillr avatar image
wdwillr answered ·

Hello and thanks for the warm welcome.

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