
milad avatar image
milad asked

A sound (Noise) from Multiplus 12/1600/70

Hi everyone! I am using a Multiplus 12/1600/70. Today I noticed a sound from Multiplus. When I tap the Multiplus box the sound disappeared! The sound came again when I tap the box! The Multiplus was on Inverter and the load was just a Modem with 0.2A consumption. At this time, the solar charge controller was on Float. Is this sound normal? In this system, I have a Multiplus, a BMV-712 and a SmartSolar 100/50.

The Multiplus is not connected to grid or generator.

Thanks in advance, Milad

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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kaarthik avatar image kaarthik commented ·

Please check your inverter communication cables properly inserted

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