
pmikep avatar image
pmikep asked

Firmware v481 reports some values out of limits - but none are.

I just updated my Multiplus to v481. (And before that, VictronConnect auto-updated to v5.38.)

After importing the Settings that I had saved just before flashing, I got a message to the effect that at least one of my settings was out of limits and would be reset to a default.

But I've been through all the settings. I don't see anything that changed or was reset.

Is this a false message? Or more of a generic message, that any values that are out of limits will be reset to a default?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

hi, do you know which version you were running prior to this update?

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pmikep avatar image pmikep commented ·

I didn't write them down. But as I had updated on Feb 5, both versions were the immediate prior versions of the firmware and VC.

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pmikep avatar image pmikep commented ·

Okay more data for you.

I did two more tests. I saved my current settings (after the firmware update) and re-imported them. VC reported "No changes in Settings" and it quit the import process.

So then I imported my 'before the update' settings and it complained again about an incompatible setting. This time I read the instructions more carefully. It talked about marking settings in orange.

I found an orange dot at "Disconnect (AC) when (battery) voltage is higher than..."

I had set 27.80 volts.

This is strange because, if that is an out of limit number, then why did VC accept it in the first place? And it's strange because the AC has been disconnecting properly when my battery voltage exceeded 27.80 volts.

Nevertheless, I changed the voltage to 27.90 before accepting the import. It didn't complain about this number. And then, before accepting the import, I changed the voltage back to the erroneous 27.80. I got a gree check mark and it accepted it!

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pmikep avatar image pmikep commented ·

I've attached a copy of my vcsf file for you to try at your end.

I had to add a txt extension so that the forum uploader would accept it. Naturally you need to remove the dot txt part of the file name.

before feb 11 update - Copy.vcsf.txt

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mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image mvader (Victron Energy) ♦♦ pmikep commented ·

Hi for some reason the file you attached is corrupt. Regardless, we checked, and there really is nothing to worry about. Lets close this issue. Have a good day!

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