
ferg avatar image
ferg asked

Something missing?

Hi there, I have opened my controller (mttp 75/10) and placed it where I intend to use it. From looking at various pictures of these controllers there seems to be a small black tab or something missing from behind the fuse. So I am asking what this may be? If I need this part where can I get one?

Thanks for any info

MPPT Controllers
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offroadflow avatar image offroadflow commented ·

Best upload a picture...

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3 Answers
alan avatar image
alan answered ·

It's a jumper to control the load output if you don't use bluetooth to program the unit.

If you need one a jumper from a PC should work.

1612852315183.png (130.5 KiB)
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ferg avatar image
ferg answered ·

The top pic is a stock one the next one is my own controller.


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ferg avatar image
ferg answered ·

Ok thanks for that. (I'm new to this) I haven't connected it up yet. I was planning on just using the Bluetooth when I connected, learning as I go.


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