
tbratten avatar image
tbratten asked

Lithium battery initial charge using Smart Solar Controller

I have (4) 12V lithium batteries that I am about to set up in series to get a 48V bank. The manufacturer recommends initially charging each battery to the same voltage (14V) before wiring them together in series. Can I use my Victron Smart Solar MPPT 150V 60A to charge each battery initially before I wire them together in series? Or, am I going to have to buy a battery charger to do this initial charge?

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
seb71 avatar image
seb71 answered ·

It should work. Maybe charge the batteries in parallel.

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tbratten avatar image tbratten commented ·

Perhaps another option is to use my Quattro to do the initial charge on each battery. Thoughts?

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seb71 avatar image seb71 tbratten commented ·

Unlike the solar charger, which can use several battery voltages, the inverters are made for a single voltage (a single nominal voltage).

So you can't use a 48V inverter/charger to charge 12V batteries.

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tbratten avatar image tbratten seb71 commented ·

Ah! Good point. Thanks.

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