
ray07 avatar image
ray07 asked

Smartsolar is stuck in bulk charge

I've read through some of the forms, but I can't figure out why my solar stays in bulk charge mode. I read some stuff about this maybe being normal, but wanted to see if anyone could take a look at my settings and let me know if they noticed an issue. I included screenshots of my settings and also for the battery that I'm using.





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1 Answer
Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

The regulator will stay in bulk mode until the battery voltage reach's 14.4 volts (this is the absorption voltage you have set) It will then change from bulk to absorption and hold 14.4 volts for 4 hrs (depending on absorption time your set) after that period has expired and its held 14.4 volts it will then switch to float charge level

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adam-schwarz avatar image adam-schwarz commented ·
Is that what you want though? Should those settings be adjusted?
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