
Thomas johnston avatar image
Thomas johnston asked

how to connect 8 mppts to a managed battery bank via gx deice


whats the best way to connect 8 x 250/85 mppts to a gx device that has a managed CAN battery?

I'm looking at using a ccgx,can i just buy the ve.can version mppts and have both mppt and byd can ports used at the same time? or should i be looking at using a octo GX and connecting them?

Thanks Tom

MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hi, I recommend getting a Cerbo instead above mentioned two options

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Thomas johnston avatar image Thomas johnston commented ·

okay, Thanks for the suggestion.

I just had a look at the ports on the Cerbo. am I correct that they have separate CAN ports one set for BMS from the batterys and one set for the VE.CAN from the MPPTs that have been daisy chained?

Thanks Tom

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ Thomas johnston commented ·

There are two separate CAN interfaces, BMS-CAN and VE.CAN. Each has two RJ45 connectors to allow for daisy chaining or plug the terminator if end of line.

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