
ecoworld avatar image
ecoworld asked

How to activate Multiplus II Aux AC 2 Output relay after batteries reach Float?

For charging EVs or Boosting Hot Water elements with excess solar power. I thought it must be possible to engage the Multiplus II aux AC-2 output to run dedicated loads once the batteries have reached float for a given length of time. I can't seem to find this option in the Multiplus II Manual anywhere. Is this possible, utilizing excess solar power off the top of full batteries and without the need for a generator or other ac input?

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3 Answers
jcottis avatar image
jcottis answered ·
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ecoworld avatar image ecoworld commented ·
Oh that’s funny, I just discovered this video myself, added it as the answer, then saw that you’d linked the same video just 7 days beforehand. There should really be a tutorial on this in the user manual, especially now with so many customers buying EVs. (It would also help to sell more 10kVa and 8kVa Multiplus II inverter chargers). Thanks for that link.
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jscholtz avatar image jscholtz commented ·
If VRConnect is programmed as suggested (with the AC2 relay opening or closing based on SOC), will it override the relay settings in Remote Console which might be in manual control (with tempera as the only other option)? Will the open or closed position of the relay in remote console mean anything under the latter scenario?

can one check that easily?

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ecoworld avatar image
ecoworld answered ·

Here’s the definitive answer to the question I originally asked. So good!

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Give us some more information's about your system and the components you have.

With a BMV and GX device you could switch the AC Out 2 depending on the SOC.

But you also can use the DC voltage or the charging state. Download and install VE.config and use the "fake target with full options" to take a look at the assistants (programmable relay).

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ecoworld avatar image ecoworld commented ·

So I finally took your advice and opened up VE.Config to a “fake target with full options”. I then switched off the virtual switch default. Then I chose the “Programmable Relay” option from the drop down menu. I chose ”ACOut 2 relay”, then “set relay to ON”, then “when Bulk protection activated” (unsure of this definition), then I chose the trigger to be “DC Voltage” when its “higher” than 55.5v for more than 900 second.

There’s no way to test this out on a simulated inverter, that I know of, but I get the feeling that I’ve set things the way I’d hoped.

Q. Will I need another assistant to open the ACOut 2 relay once the voltage drops to a certain voltage?

Q. Did it seem as though I made the correct choices in my set up of this assistant? The goal is to power up the Aux AC2 output on a Multiplus II once the batteries are full or have been on float for 15 mins.

Q. As Float voltage is usually below the bulk value I suspect that the conditions above may become active while still in bulk or absorption mode as the battery will go over the 55.5v value, possibly for more than 15 mins, triggering the scenario a little too soon. Should I have chosen a different trigger do you think?


Ideally what I think would be another way to trigger the AC2 output would be if an MPPT unit could trigger its own relay from Normally Open (NO) to closed after it had been on float for more than 900 seconds (15 mins). Then those 2 wires would be connected to the Multiplus II’s digital inputs (not sure which ones) and when this circuit was closed it would trigger the AC2 output contractor inside to allow power to travel out of the AC2 Aux output to the EV or Hot Water Element. Once the float status changes to any other state it would open it’s relay and the Multiplus would stop sending power out of it s AC2 Aux output. I’ve never used assistants much in the past so I tend to think in terms of one device triggering another via relays.

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