
ed80 avatar image
ed80 asked

10 year old Quattro with LiFePo4 + Venus GX


I am looking at a 10 year old Quattro 24/5000 for installation in my yacht (QUA245020000). I want to know if this vintage Quattro is compatible with a LiFePo4 battery bank, as well as with the Venus GX control module.

If, as I suspect this is not possible, is there a control board upgrade available?

Many thanks,


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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4 Answers
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

I think that's a VE.Bus unit so should be compatible with GX devices.

Use an Mk3-USB cable to update the firmware and configure correct settings.

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ed80 avatar image
ed80 answered ·

Thanks, if it help, here is a photo of the inputs and circuit board. I don't see a VE.Bus connection on there, but it may be hidden or have a different name:


1611920045421.png (4.3 MiB)
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wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

You have 1940115 firmware. This is the old microcontroller.
It can run 200 Assistant firmware 1940209. 200 Assistant firmware is limited though, it cant do all the bells a whistles that 400 Assistant firmware can. 400 Assistant firmware will only run on the new 26xxyyy microcontrollers.

Your VE.Bus connections are on the left hidden under the blue horizontal frame section near the AC connections. You can follow the extension PCB on the left.

PCB swaps are not a good idea. There is calibration data that is written at final assembly time in the factory. Assuming a PCB swap physically fits, does not mean the unit would work at all.

It is a shame that these old faithful units can't run the modern features, but the only way to progress is to use new hardware. It's the same thing with out phones, tablets and computers.

There is an in depth explanation of the different firmware and capabilities here:

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ed80 avatar image ed80 commented ·

Thanks, it gives me something to consider. I will take a look at the features list and see what I will be missing out on.

One last question. Will the older model Quattro be OK to use with LiFePo4 (charging voltage), after appropriate configuration.

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ ed80 commented ·

I have an even older unit than yours (18xxyyy).
Using the VE.Configure software, it is possible to choose a preset Lithium profile or you can choose the Absorb and Float limits manually - just the same as with the latest models.

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spencer avatar image
spencer answered ·

Dear did you update your inverter?

Is it work with MK3 interface ?

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