
reed avatar image
reed asked

Multiplus 2 Overloads and Randoms Shuts Down...Grid connection problems

All those experiencing the same problems outlined abive..i encourage you to check out firmware version 478 for the MP2. Been a week now and have numerous loadshedding sessions....the system has been very stable.

I struggled with these tripping nuesances and want to let everybody know that the MP2 is doing in well especially with our weak grid here in Zimbabwe

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie commented ·


Yes i the same issue with spurious shut downs on low loads of 1 to 2.5 kw on a 2x 5kw multiplus2 in parallel. I did the version 478 upgrade problem not fixed still does random shut downs?

Rob D


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reed avatar image reed Rob Duthie commented ·

Are you using a bms controllee battery? Are yo getting any errors causing the battery to be opening and closing its contactors?

Have you tried to UP the low voltage Ac shut down? I would try to set it at plus 200Ac and 205 reconnection.

Also what grid code are you using?

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Rob Duthie avatar image Rob Duthie reed commented ·

Yes, No, NZ grid code regulations. It appears to be a LOM causing the issue, which can cause high currents when pushing and pulling current on bad line impedance. Line impedance was to be in tolerance when tested at commissioning time. this is a random event with current overload, and is a known issue. I will be testing by disabling the LOM to see if it occurs again or not, that will determine what is going on and what measures to to be taken next.

Rob D


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