
duttydog avatar image
duttydog asked

75/15 yellow light permanent flashing

My mppt 75/15 controllers yellow light is still showing bulk charging after 3 months. Is it defective

MPPT Controllers
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2 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

Is your battery reaching the absorb Voltage that you have set?

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Paul B avatar image
Paul B answered ·

WKirby is correct,

The charger will not change from Bulk to absorption or to float unless it first reaches its bulk set point probably set at around 14. to 14.4 volts depending on your battery type.

Then each day it will restart in bulk and try to raise the voltage to the set point.

the set point is set by selecting your battery type and checking in the manual the the charge profile fits your batteries.

you can see whats happening in the history setting of you mppt reg, (you would need a bluetooth dongle conected to the blue solar regulator to see this) if its a smartsolar unit then its inbuilt

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