
Ingo avatar image
Ingo asked

GX Digital Inputs, Immediate or Not to VRM Portal?

I was wondering, when triggered, if the GX Digital Inputs send immediate updates to VRM Portal or not? From what I can gather it seems to be on-next-poll. The documentation also doesn't give any hints in that direction.

Could a future release give a user an option to make it immediate? The default can stay on-next -poll. I realize it might cause more traffic if something is flapping and it's set to immediate so perhaps an alert and email if changes happen more than X times per minute.


Venus GX - VGX
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Hi @Ingo,

VRM already can show real time data, updated every 2 seconds. What more do you want?

But I wouldn't completely rely on that if your system is so sensitive, simply because data can lag before it shows up on VRM for unknown reasons.

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Ingo avatar image Ingo Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·

I don't think the Advanced tab of VRM is realtime and that is where I have my Digital Input widgets. Even if it does update every 2 seconds it only updates information what it receives from the GX and I doubt if the GX sends the Digital Input state unless the polling interval expires.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ Ingo commented ·

Advanced tab is realtime - unless it lags, what it does now.

Best wold be to simply try it out. I don't have digital inputs set up on my GX device.

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1 Answer
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·
'com.victronenergy.digitalinput': {
    '/ProductId': {'code': 'diP', 'whenToLog': 'configChange'},
    '/CustomName': {'code': 'dicn', 'whenToLog': 'configChange'},
    '/Alarm': {'code': 'dia', 'whenToLog': 'onIntervalAlwaysAndOnEvent'},
    '/State': {'code': 'dis', 'whenToLog': 'onIntervalAlways'},
    '/Count': {'code': 'dic', 'whenToLog': 'onIntervalAlways'},
    '/Type': {'code': 'dit', 'whenToLog': 'onIntervalAlways'}

See in /opt/victronenergy/vrmlogger.

What it says, if that if you have one configured as an alarm, it will be sent (near-) immediately; and otherwise only on event.

The high configurability you are proposing would be nice, but I'm afraid not something we'll be making soon.

1 comment
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.

Ingo avatar image Ingo commented ·

Excellent!! Thanks @mvader (Victron Energy) for clarifying the different options. I'll pick one to send data on configChange which would suit my requirements perfectly.

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