
rob1evans avatar image
rob1evans asked

smart blue ip22 12/30 settings for lifepo4

Please can someone tell me how to set a smart blue ip22 12/30 settings for lifepo4 manufacturer recommends 14.6v bulk and absorb charge of 14.4v ?

In the custom settings, it does not allow just bulk and absorb charge.

Thanks in advance Regards Rob

Lithium Battery
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1 Answer
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @rob1evans,

this can be achieved with VictronConnect.

  • 1. Go into settings
  • 2. Enable Advanced settings
  • 3. Open Advanced battery settings
  • 4. EnableExpert mode
  • 5. Change settings according to your battery manufacturer

Then you can save settings into a preset. But that's not mandatory.

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rob1evans avatar image rob1evans commented ·

I understand I only need bulk charge 14.6v and absorption 14.4 but can't do that in settings both have both the same voltage, also I can't stop storage voltage. Regards Rob


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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ rob1evans commented ·

Not sure I understand. What do you mean with Bulk voltage and absorption voltage?

The dilemma is that every manufacturer using his own definition of Bulk, Absorption, Float and Storage. Usually bulk and absorption have the same meaning.

Can you please post the specs for your battery.

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seb71 avatar image seb71 Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) ♦♦ commented ·
Usually bulk and absorption have the same meaning.

More exactlly, it is the voltage at which "Bulk" stage ends and "Absorbtion" stage begins.

So you start the charge in "Bulk" stage. In this stage you charge with the maximum current (or with the current you have, for solar chargers, which depend on the Sun and weather and might not be able to generate the maximum current you set). During this "Bulk" stage, the battery voltage increases as the battery gets charged.

When the battery voltage reaches that "Absobtion" voltage (some manufacturers might call this voltage threshold "Bulk" voltage), the charger maintains that voltage (so now it's a constant voltage stage) and the current drawn by the battery will start to drop as time goes. You end this "Absorbtion" stage after a certain time or (if the charger has a "Tail current" setting) when the current drawn by the battery drops under a certain value (something like 0.05 C for instance).

If you want to perform the "Bulk" stage until you reach a certain voltage (14.6V) and then switch to a constant voltage stage ("Absorbtion" stage), but at a lower voltage (14.4V), you could set the "Absorbtion duration" to 0 minutes (or a very short time) and then use the "Float" stage for constant voltage charging at 14.4V. But you have to manually turn the charger off after a certain period of time.

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