
jaketsu avatar image
jaketsu asked

Is it OK to install Quattro 48/5000 in to road vehicle?


I´m planning a maintenance vehicle and I need three-phase current in it mostly for a welding machine. So I was thinking of 3 x Quattro 48/5000, but then I noticed this Quattros datasheet line: "Road vehicles 12V and 24V models: ECE R10-4". Does it mean that only 12V and 24V Quattros are allowed in road vehicles?

Thank you.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Johannes Boonstra (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

As far as certification, the E approval is for Europe and not outside this area.

As far as the units , they are perfectly fine (when installed correct ) when used in vehicles

As far as voltage , there are step up options or you can choose to keep the three phase isolated from the vehicle electronics

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jaketsu avatar image jaketsu commented ·

Thank you very much for your answer Johannes.

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Lyndsay Cotton avatar image
Lyndsay Cotton answered ·

I will be guessing / shooting from the hip but would it not be that the inverter would need some form of base (starting voltage) and typically a road vehicle would only be 12 or 24 V for this.

I will also be keen to get the correct answer

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