
nathan-hodgson avatar image
nathan-hodgson asked

Why does my Quattro show a low battery when battery voltage is at 55v

HI everyone

I have a Slight problem with our Quattro 10kva inverter battery setup

we have one 10kva quattro and 2 solarMD 7.1kwh batteries. what recently happened was that one of the internal battery fuses burnt due to loose connection. and i was helped very quickly and replacement parts was sent. Now that the battery has been repaired and all testing fine as soon as we load test with the inverter and battery, it the system shows a stable 53.5V DC and as soon as load is put on it the system jumps down to the low set point of 41v DC.

Should i load test each battery individually with a separate 5kva inverter?

what could the possible faults be and were should i begin to look, as i have never encountered a fault like this before.

System consists of

1x Quattro 10kva

2x 7.1kwh solarMD batteries

1x LoggerV2

2x 250/100 tr Smart solar chargers

22xCanadian Solar Hiku 410w modules

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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1 Answer
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Daniël Boekel (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @Nathan Hodgson

Contact your battery supplier.

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