
Bill avatar image
Bill asked

How would I populate the AC Input & AC Load fields on the GX webpage without a Victron Inverter?

I currently have a fairly new PSW Magnum Inverter that provides all the power needed. So I am not prepared to get a new inverter in the foreseeable future. I am looking for a way to populate the AC Input and AC Load fields in the gui from my VGX


Venus GX - VGX
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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This data is read directly from the Victron inverters using their own interfaces and communications protocols. Other manufacturers would not use the same interfaces or protocols, so this information cannot be read out.

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Bill avatar image Bill commented ·

What is this wireless AC sensor field for in the Cerbo?


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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ Bill commented ·

That AC sensor is intended to measure the power from a grid tied solar inverter and it actually needs to be connected to an existing MultiPlus or Quattro.

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Bill avatar image Bill wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

What about the ET112, the manual says they can connect to a Cerbo GX?

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Paul B avatar image Paul B Bill commented ·

you could try maybe 2 ET112s one on the AC in and one on loads. this may give you a result, but its sort of trial and error. in this area

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