
streff avatar image
streff asked

Positional installation Multiplus Inverter/Charger


I am planning to switch out a Magnum ME2012 for a 2000W Victron Inv/charger unit. I looked high and low to see if these unit can be installed flat on their back, like sleeping on a bed. Has anyone tried different installation positions for these units.



MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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2 Answers
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

Hi @Streff,

Flat on the back is indeed a safe installation position; be advised, of course, that this will somewhat affect the unit's cooling abilities, though this is doubtful to become a problem, and will distinctly affect its "drip resistant" rating, as of course any droplets of moisture that may fall on it will no longer be shed by its top plate. So long as you keep those elements in mind, there are no problems with this installation orientation!

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simontaylor avatar image
simontaylor answered ·

Personally, I would mount units vertically on a wall. Heat rises and this should generate the best airflow for cooling. Otherwise you could end up with a hotspot under the bed.

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