
alistair-jeffcoat avatar image
alistair-jeffcoat asked

Multiplus fails to switch to AC when generator comes on

Multiplus 24/1200/25-16 is failing to charge the battery bank or allow AC to pass through it when the generator is running. AC voltage from the generator is being measured at 227V AC, the generator has a synchronous capacitor regulated alternator in it and produces a pure sinewave. Have tried the connection with the UPS feature on and off, no difference.

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Charger
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rickp avatar image rickp commented ·

I didn’t want to put this as an answer, as I’m no expert in it, but I have read several cases where the frequency of the generator output was not matching that of the load, and switching was not permitted. Just something to check!

I believe that setting is also available for adjustment in the Config, if I recall.

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4 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

Hi @Alistair Jeffcoat

Have a look through this article:

I suffer this myself with 2x gennies. No, it's not my Multi, both gennies have separate issues of their own.

There's quite a bit to try there, but while testing keep an ear to your Multi and listen for the clicking relay. If you don't hear that then your V or Hz is out of range.

But have a go and come back with your observations. We'll try to help..

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alistair-jeffcoat avatar image
alistair-jeffcoat answered ·

Hi @JohnC Thank you for your help here. I'll work my way through the FAQ's and will come back to you.

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ogls avatar image
ogls answered ·

Within the setting of your multiplus, have you switched the UPS function off? This is required when using a number of generators including the Onan unit. You will also find that many of the Agri type generators will also connect and disconnect during operation due to the nature of the frequency wave of the power supply.

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alan avatar image
alan answered ·

If this is one of the newer plastic case multis, then I have had 2x 500w units fail in the same way. Will not connect to AC of any sort (Genset, Grid and AC from another multi) and hence will not charge.

Both have been replaced by Victron

You can hear the relay cycle/ try to cycle and then drops.

I have just received my second replacement and upgraded to a larger unit 12/1200, not that the 500 units were pushed to the limits.

Hopefully this one lasts.

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