
steve-mcrae avatar image
steve-mcrae asked

BMV 712 monitor panel bluetooth addition

Can I add bluetooth capability to my bluesolar charge controller MPPT 150/35 by just changing the wall panel control with a BMV 712 monitor panel...same wiring, just plug in panel?


MPPT Controllers
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1 Answer
ess-and-solar-solutions avatar image
ess-and-solar-solutions answered ·

The BMV is a battery monitor only, so in short, no. If you want you can add the bluetooth dongle to your Bluesolar MPPT and this should allow you to view the yield, history etc. via the VictronConnect app.

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steve-mcrae avatar image steve-mcrae commented ·


Thanks for the quick response. If I add the dongle, it appears I would have to disconnect the lead to the monitor, right? That would make that wall monitor dead? I was hoping that the BMV 712 monitor alone would give me bluetooth capability? Not so?

Thanks again... this is new to me and my new Airstream Caravel 16

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