
gilemon avatar image
gilemon asked

BlueSolar Charger producing half power


I have a BlueSolar Charger MPPT 150/85 which is producing half of what it normally does (eg. 1000 W instead of 2000 W). This started to happen after I tried using it to test it in a hydro power configuration.

The setup was similar to this:

The input voltage might have exceeded the 150 V maximum Open Circuit Voltage as before I cut the circuit some sparks and small flames started to appear on the connectors (and on the CCGX Ethernet connector as well).

The other symptom is that even when the solar panels do not produce anything anymore (night time) there is still around 20 to 50 W reported coming out of the array. If the BlueSolar Charger is disconnected from the battery, it does correctly report 0 W.

Screen Shot 2021-01-04 at 4.04.36 PM.png

I have tried power cycling it, resetting to factory default and updating to latest v1.27 without any improvement.

I understand that from exceeding the rated input voltage I must have very likely damaged some hardware component, but 1) is there something I could do before opening the charger and 2) where should I look into the charger ?

Thanks in advance for any help and if you need more information I'll be more than happy to provide it.

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1 Answer
markus avatar image
markus answered ·


I am sorry to hear that. The 150V PV (OC) input limit is an absolute limit, it is not allowed to go even 1V over it, or the MPPT is most likely damaged.

I would suggest not to open it up, instead bring it to where you bought it and discuss your options with your dealer.

Your dealer has the possibility to bench check the unit and maybe can do a RMA, or at least give you a replacement unit for a good discount.



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gilemon avatar image gilemon commented ·

Thank you, I'll get in touch with the dealer then.

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markus avatar image markus ♦♦ gilemon commented ·

I am sure there will be a good solution.
How is your hydro installation doing?
I am the guy who this blog you mentioned is about.

I would very much like to know more about your installation.

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gilemon avatar image gilemon markus ♦♦ commented ·

That's an inspirational blog posts you made. Thanks for that.

The hydro installation has been here for more than a century. It's working well and it's delivering around 1.5K W to an electric heater with no regulation to avoid damaging the generator or the turbine. My goal is to add this input to my Quattro so that it can be better used than just eating up a resistor.

As per mentioned on my original post, when playing with the BlueSolar Charger it prove a little complicated to keep everything safely under the rated voltage or speed. I might try again with a 250/100 but if I do this, I'll be extra carefull and if it's a success, I'll let you know the details.

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