
versalift avatar image
versalift asked

connecting Phoenix charger 12/30 to VE.Configure


I have a phoenix charger but i can't find it on my VE.configure i read that i need the first version of the software to find it. however i can't find any product even with VE.configure 3 and my charger is on.

have you an idea of the problem.


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1 Answer
jack2006 avatar image
jack2006 answered ·

From recent trials with my Phonex 24/25 charger:-

Coms connection could only be achieved through the Mk2 interface, in my case I have the Mk2 usb but the Mk2 RS232 should also work I would have thought.

Next check your firmware version on the top of IC mounted on control/inteface board in controller. Cross reference that firmware version with the range given in the old Veconfigure and if it does not fall in those ranges try the later Ve config software.

One last thought is to check that your Mk2 interface is being recognised in Windows (if that's what you are using). Our laptop with windows 10 does not see it but the one with XP on does not have a problem and it pos up as com16.


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