
deangi avatar image
deangi asked

Multiplus II and 12v battery


I am new to this and have a straight forward question. I am looking at a high output inverter charger such as the Multiplus II 3000va. I need lots of power for an induction hob, but for short periods. So, my thoughts were I only need a 12v 100ah lithium battery.

I then noticed that the Multiplus II is 24v minimum, so presume wouldn't charge a 12v battery? Then I looked at the schematic and it clearly shows the 48v MPII with a 12v battery.

I tried with the demo app and cannot lower the charge on the 48v version below 48v for charging, so presume the same is true for the 24v, that it cannot charge less than 24v (24v is not in the demo database).

Is the schematic wrong?



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3 Answers
JohnC avatar image
JohnC answered ·

HI @DeanGi

You're very observant, yes it's wrong and should show a batt 'pack'. But it's just indicative of a general circuit..

You must match the batt to a suitable inverter. The Multiplus II will neither charge to nor invert from a 12V batt. Look at the Multiplus range - tried, proven, and rock-solid.

Take special care that the battery(s) you choose can handle that much discharge, even if only for a short time.

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deangi avatar image
deangi answered ·

Thanks for the clarification. Will probably go for a larger battery bank, but wanted to make sure my theory was correct!

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deangi avatar image
deangi answered ·

Me again,

So checking my math, to deliver 2000w to an induction hob, that would need a battery capable of discharging 166A, so the LFP-Smart 12,8/200 seems like the battery to go for?



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