
mtnscott avatar image
mtnscott asked

Raspberry Pi Buster + Venus


I've had fun working with the current Jessie release of the Venus OS on Raspberry PI. I have run into a snag and was hoping for some help.

I am trying to use a dual uart expansion board that includes the SC16IS752 dual UART chip to provide two additional UART connections that I run through a digital isolator and connect into two Smart Solar MPPT controllers. Unfortunately the Jessis version of Raspberry PI OS has a bug with the driver and hangs after a few minutes with both UART ports in use.

Using only one of the UART ports works fine. I've got the serial-startup rules adjusted for having vedirect started up and the MPPT connected charger shows up on the remote console display - yay! I was trying to test the 2nd UART and have hit this roadblock - sigh.

I have tested the SC16IS752 driver with the latest Buster version of Raspberry PI and so far it's rock solid!! However, I don't know how to get the Venus OS layered onto a Buster release. I've searched and searched the forums and read tons of articles but none seem to show how to use Venus packages that can be installed onto Buster. I've looked at the github for venus and some information is there but not all of the software is available there - for example I don't think vedirect is there.

I know how to build from source and am happy to test, debug, etc.. anything. I would like to complete my configuration and integration to support two vedirect interfaces w/o using the USB FTDI cables and using instead the SC16IS752 chip.

Any pointers would be appreciated and if there already are packages for buster then show me the way!


Venus OSRaspberry Pi
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1 Answer
jeroen avatar image
jeroen answered ·

Hi, yes the vedirect and some others are closed source. I am likely the only one who knows how and can generate them for Buster. But it is voluntary work, so it doesn't come with any promises or deadlines.

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mtnscott avatar image mtnscott commented ·

Hi @Jeroen. I would be happy to test it when you have something ready. In the meantime I will clean up my udev rules and programs that query the serial number from the device so I can assign a serial number to the tty attributes. I was having difficulty with the 2nd vedirect device, there were two vedirect processes running, each on their own device and defined instance number but the console was only showing one device. It was difficult to debug as the dual UART was locking up after a few minutes so I'm not sure where the problem is with the settings on the vedirect process or something in the UDEV attributes was missing. BTW - what process is creating the .settings file that is passed to the vedirect process?

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